url: https://github.com/AsgardCms/Platform versions: "3.5.1": changed: - Fixing issue with ThemeManager caused when a theme name has the same name as project name "3.2.0": changed: - Generating the new listener on the LoadingBackendTranslations hook to send translations to VueJS "3.0.0": changed: - Using correct version number on module detail view - The modules menu item weight has been changed to 30. - The themes menu item weight has been changed to 40. "2.6.0": changed: - Read core module version from the AsgardCms class other modules keep same logic (version key in module.json) "2.5.0": added: - Module scaffold command now also generates form requests changed: - Using the @push js stacks over the scripts section - Using the @push css stacks over the styles section - Register module migrations by default to ease testing in service provider - SidebarExtender class has been removed in favor of new Sidebar event handlers - Register the sidebar event handler in service provider - Sidebar is now loaded via the BuildingSidebar hook removed: - Removing ckeditor from the default scaffolded views, now included via EditorIsRendering hook "2.4.0": added: - Add the ability to set custom stubs folder used by generated modules "2.0.0": added: - Laravel 5.4 compatibility - Ability to add unreleased items in module changelog, by suffixing version with - Protecting api routes with api admin middleware changed: - Using new more flexible way of handle permissions via middleware - Module names can have a dash in them, for instance module-name - Adding the scaffolded module name to the .gitignore file so that it can be committed - Adding the scaffolded theme name to .gitignore file so that it can be committed removed: - Remove laracasts/flash dependency from controller stub "1.16.0": changed: - Use $router variable in routes file - Use $router variable in routes stub file for module scaffolding "1.15.1": changed: - Use singular class name for model bindings in routes scaffolding "1.15.0": added: - Adding symfony/yaml dependency changed: - Use new middleware for permissions on module resource route scaffold stub "1.14.0": changed: - Remove unneeded icheck toggles for hidden input on view stubs - Removed 'More Coming Soon' message - Removed the inclusing of old iCheck styles "1.13.1": changed: - Renaming the basic generated view to default "1.13.0": added: - Reset button on the create and edit view stubs "1.12.0": changed: - Removed language files, they are now in the translation module "1.11.0": changed: - Using the new index template in scaffold - Using manual routes over the resource helper in scaffold "1.10.0": changed: - Removed Menu module as a dependency "1.9.0": added: - Added Russian translations changed: - Fixing case sensitive issue "1.8.0": added: - Chinese Simplified language "1.7.0": added: - Dutch and Portuguese language "1.6.1": changed: - Update eloquent-entity-translation.stub, fixing the translations table name in model "1.6.0": changed: - Using the core messages rather than generating for every module "1.5.0": changed: - Added sidebar title as translatable text in generated modules - Remove facade usage in generated modules "1.4.2": changed: - Use the anticipate() method instead of choice() "1.4.1": changed: - Hardcoded the entity type to Eloquent. Due to broken Question class from Symfony "1.4.0": added: - Theme can now be managed from UI - Theme assets can be be published from UI "1.3.0": changed: - Set module order to 1 in module.json - Refactor to only read & write module.json once "1.2.1": changed: - Return empty menu instance on generation of module with no entities "1.2.0": changed: - Remove the v from the version column to sort properly "1.1.0": changed: - Generated migrations now have the table engine specified "1.0.11": changed: - Fixed case sensitive issue "1.0.10": added: - Adding a theme scaffold command, you can use it with php artisan asgard:theme:scaffold changed: - Added protection on the module scaffold command for the vendor/name structure "1.0.9": changed: - Use the new Laravel-Sidebar api on the generated modules "1.0.8": added: - Using new sidebar extender class changed: - Updating the module generator to generate a SidebarExtender class removed: - Old SidebarViewComposer "1.0.7": changed: - Use cleaner version getter in module show view - Check if changelog isn't an empty array on the module show view "1.0.6": changed: - Fixing alignements in composer.json file - Fixing alignements in module.json file - Module scaffold now requires stable version of core module - Module scaffold now requires version 3.1 of orchestra/testbench "1.0.5": changed: - Add the module version in a separate column so that it can be ordered & filtered - Use the route function helpers "1.0.4": changed: - No escaping on the changelog lines to display code blocks "1.0.3": changed: - Limit the amount of versions displayed to 5 last versions "1.0.2": changed: - Worked around the empty value not being alowed in Laravel 5.1 - Fixing the bug of migration files having the same timestamp - Cleaning up the questions display in CLI based on new Command class in Laravel 5.1