## 1.0.0-alpha25 (October 9, 2017) - Parser - Added fallback node as argument to `onParseError()` handler - Fixed raw consuming in tolerant mode when selector is invalid (greedy consuming and redundant warnings) - Fixed exception in tolerant mode caused by unknown at-rule with unclosed block - Changed handling of semicolons: - Hanging semicolon inside declaration blocks turns into a `Raw` node instead of being ignored - Semicolon outside of declaration blocks opens a `Rule` node as part of selector instead of being ignored - Aligned `parseAtrulePrelude` behaviour to `parseRulePrelude` - Removed `Raw` node wraping into `AtrulePrelude` when `parseAtrulePrelude` is disabled - Removed error emitting when at-rule has a custom prelude customer but no prelude is found (it should be validated by a lexer later) - Generator - Fixed performance issue with `translateWithSourceMap()`, flattening the string (because of mixing building string and indexing into it) turned it into a quadratic algorithm (approximate numbers can be found in [the quiz created by this case](https://gist.github.com/lahmatiy/ea25d0e623d88ca9848384b5707d52d9)) - Added support for a single solidus hack for `property()` - Minor fixes for custom errors ## 1.0.0-alpha24 (September 14, 2017) - Improved CSSTree to be stable for standart build-in objects extension (#58) - Parser - Renamed rule's `selector` to `prelude`. The reasons: [spec names this part so](https://www.w3.org/TR/css-syntax-3/#qualified-rule), and this branch can contain not only a selector (`SelectorList`) but also a raw payload (`Raw`). What's changed: - Renamed `Rule.selector` to `Rule.prelude` - Renamed `parseSelector` parser option to `parseRulePrelude` - Removed option for selector parse in `SelectorList` - Lexer - Fixed undefined positions in a error when match a syntax to empty or white space only value - Improved `Lexer#checkStructure()` - Return a warning as an object with node reference and message - No exception on unknown node type, return a warning instead ## 1.0.0-alpha23 (September 10, 2017) - Fixed `Tokenizer#getRawLength()`'s false positive balance match to the end of input in some cases (#56) - Rename walker's entry point methods to be the same as CSSTree exposed methods (i.e. `walk()`, `walkUp()` etc) - Rename at-rule's `expression` to `prelude` (since [spec names it so](https://www.w3.org/TR/css-syntax-3/#at-rule)) - `AtruleExpression` node type → `AtrulePrelude` - `Atrule.expression` field → `Atrule.prelude` - `parseAtruleExpression` parser's option → `parseAtrulePrelude` - `atruleExpression` parse context → `atrulePrelude` - `atruleExpression` walk context reference → `atrulePrelude` ## 1.0.0-alpha22 (September 8, 2017) - Parser - Fixed exception on parsing of unclosed `{}-block` in tolerant mode - Added tolerant mode support for `DeclarationList` - Added standalone entry point, i.e. default parser can be used via `require('css-tree/lib/parser')` (#47) - Generator - Changed generator to produce `+n` when `AnPlusB.a` is `+1` to be "round-trip" with parser - Added standalone entry point, i.e. default generators can be used via `require('css-tree/lib/generator')` - Walker - Added standalone entry point, i.e. default walkers can be used via `require('css-tree/lib/walker')` (#47) - Lexer - Added `default` keyword to the list of invalid values for `` (since it reversed per [spec](https://www.w3.org/TR/css-values/#custom-idents)) - Convertors (`toPlainObject()` and `fromPlainObject()`) moved to `lib/convertor` (entry point is `require('css-tree/lib/convertor')`) ## 1.0.0-alpha21 (September 5, 2017) - Tokenizer - Added `Raw` token type - Improved tokenization of `url()` with raw as url to be more spec complient - Added `Tokenizer#balance` array computation on token layout - Added `Tokenizer#getRawLength()` to compute a raw length with respect of block balance - Added `Tokenizer#getTokenStart(offset)` method to get token start offset by token index - Added `idx` and `balance` fields to each token of `Tokenizer#dump()` method result - Parser - Added `onParseError` option - Reworked node parsers that consume a `Raw` node to use a new approach. Since now a `Raw` node builds in `parser#Raw()` function only - Changed semantic of `parser#Raw()`, it takes 5 parameters now (it might to be changed in future) - Changed `parser#tolerantParse()` to pass a start token index to fallback function instead of source offset - Fixed `AtruleExpression` consuming in tolerant mode - Atrule handler to convert an empty `AtruleExpression` node into `null` - Changed `AtruleExpression` handler to always return a node (before it could return a `null` in some cases) - Lexer - Fixed comma match node for `#` multiplier - Added reference name to `SyntaxReferenceError` - Additional fixes on custom errors - Reduced possible corruption of base config by `syntax.fork()` ## 1.0.0-alpha20 (August 28, 2017) - Tokenizer - Added `Atrule` token type (`` per spec) - Added `Function` token type (`` per spec) - Added `Url` token type - Replaced `Tokenizer#getTypes()` method with `Tokenizer#dump()` to get all tokens as an array - Renamed `Tokenizer.TYPE.Whitespace` to `Tokenizer.TYPE.WhiteSpace` - Renamed `Tokenizer.findWhitespaceEnd()` to `Tokenizer.findWhiteSpaceEnd()` - Parser - Added initial implementation of tollerant mode (turn on by passing `tolerant: true` option). In this mode parse errors are never occour and any invalid part of CSS turns into a `Raw` node. Current safe points: `Atrule`, `AtruleExpression`, `Rule`, `Selector` and `Declaration`. Feature is experimental and further improvements are planned. - Changed `Atrule.expression` to contain a `AtruleExpression` node or `null` only (other node types is wrapping into a `AtruleExpression` node) - Renamed `AttributeSelector.operator` to `AttributeSelector.matcher` - Generator - `translate()` method is now can take a function as second argument, that recieves every generated chunk. When no function is passed, default handler is used, it concats all the chunks and method returns a string. - Lexer - Used [mdn/data](https://github.com/mdn/data) package as source of lexer's grammar instead of local dictionaries - Added `x` unit to `` generic type - Improved match tree: - Omited Group (sequences) match nodes - Omited empty match nodes (for terms with `zero or more` multipliers) - Added `ASTNode` node type to contain a reference to AST node - Fixed node duplication (uncompleted match were added to tree) - Added AST node reference in match nodes - Added comma match node by `#` multiplier - Grammar - Changed `translate()` function to get a handler as third argument (optional). That handler recieves result of node traslation and can be used for decoration purposes. See [example](https://github.com/csstree/docs/blob/04c65af44477b5ea05feb373482898122b2a4528/docs/syntax.html#L619-L627) - Added `SyntaxParseError` to grammar export - Reworked group and multipliers representation in syntax tree: - Replaced `Sequence` for `Group` node type (`Sequence` node type removed) - Added `explicit` boolean property for `Group` - Only groups can have a multiplier now (other node types is wrapping into a single term implicit group when multiplier is applied) - Renamed `nonEmpty` Group's property to `disallowEmpty` - Added optimisation for syntax tree by dropping redundant root `Group` when it contains a single `Group` term (return this `Group` as a result) - Changed lexer's match functionality - Changed `Lexer#matchProperty()` and `Lexer#matchType()` to return an object instead of match tree. A match tree stores in `matched` field when AST is matched to grammar successfully, otherwise an error in `error` field. The result object also has some methods to test AST node against a match tree: `getTrace()`, `isType()`, `isProperty()` and `isKeyword()` - Added `Lexer#matchDeclaration()` method - Removed `Lexer#lastMatchError` (error stores in match result object in `error` field) - Added initial implementation of search for AST segments (new lexer methods: `Lexer#findValueSegments()`, `Lexer#findDeclarationValueSegments()` and `Lexer#findAllSegments`) - Implemented `SyntaxReferenceError` for unknown property and type references - Renamed field in resulting object of `property()` function: `variable` → `custom` - Fixed issue with readonly properties (e.g. `line` and `column`) of `Error` and exception on attempt to write in iOS Safari ## 1.0.0-alpha19 (April 24, 2017) - Extended `List` class with new methods: - `List#prepend(item)` - `List#prependData(data)` - `List#insertData(data)` - `List#insertList(list)` - `List#replace(item, itemOrList)` ## 1.0.0-alpha18 (April 3, 2017) - Added `atrule` walk context (#39) - Changed a result of generate method for `AnPlusB`, `AttributeSelector`, `Function`, `MediaFeature` and `Ratio` ([1e95877](https://github.com/csstree/csstree/commit/1e9587710efa8e9338bcf0bc794b4b45f286231d)) - Fixed typo in `List` exception messages (@strarsis, #42) - Improved tokenizer to convert an input to a string ## 1.0.0-alpha17 (March 13, 2017) - Implemented new concept of `syntax` - Changed main `exports` to expose a default syntax - Defined initial [CSS syntax](lib/syntax/default.js) - Implemented `createSyntax()` method to create a new syntax from scratch - Implemented `fork()` method to create a new syntax based on given via extension - Parser - Implemented `mediaQueryList` and `mediaQuery` parsing contexts - Implemented `CDO` and `CDC` node types - Implemented additional declaration property prefix hacks (`#` and `+`) - Added support for UTF-16LE BOM - Added support for `@font-face` at-rule - Added `chroma()` to legacy IE filter functions - Improved `HexColor` to consume hex only - Improved support for `\0` and `\9` hacks (#2) - Relaxed number check for `Ratio` terms - Allowed fractal values as a `Ratio` term - Disallowed zero number as a `Ratio` term - Changed important clause parsing - Allowed any identifier for important (to support hacks like `!ie`) - Store `true` for `important` field in case identifier equals to `important` and string otherwise - Fixed parse error formatted message rendering to take into account tabs - Removed exposing of `Parser` class - Removed `readSelectorSequence()`, `readSequenceFallback()` and `readSelectorSequenceFallback` methods - Used single universal sequence consumer for `AtruleExpression`, `Selector` and `Value` - Generator - Reworked generator to use auto-generated functions based on syntax definition (additional work to be done in next releases) - Implemented `translateMarkup(ast, before, after)` method for complex cases - Reworked `translateWithSourceMap` to be more flexible (based on `translateMarkup`, additional work to be done in next releases) - Walker - Reworked walker to use auto-generated function based on syntax definition (additional work to be done in next releases) - Lexer - Prepared for better extensibility (additional work to be done in next releases) - Implemented `checkStructure(ast)` method to check AST structure based on syntax definition - Update syntax dictionaries to latest `mdn/data` - Add missing `<'offset-position'>` syntax - Extended `` property with `-webkit-sticky` (@sergejmueller, #37) - Improved mismatch error position - Implemented script (`gen:syntax`) to generate AST format reference page (`docs/ast.md`) using syntax definition ## 1.0.0-alpha16 (February 12, 2017) - Exposed `Parser` class - Added `startOffset` option to `Tokenizer` (constructor and `setSource()` method) - Added fallback functions for default (`readSequenceFallback`) and selector (`readSelectorSequenceFallback`) sequence readers - Fixed edge cases for `AnPlusB` - Fixed wrong whitespace ignoring in `Selector` consumer ## 1.0.0-alpha15 (February 8, 2017) - Fixed broken `atruleExpression` context - Fixed vendor prefix detection in `keyword()` and `property()` - Fixed `property()` to not lowercase custom property names - Added `variable` boolean flag in `property()` result - Renamed `scanner` into `tokenizer` - Ranamed `syntax` into `lexer` - Moved `docs/*.html` files to [csstree/docs](https://github.com/csstree/docs) repo - Added `element()` function for `Value` context (`-moz-element()` supported as well) - Merged `Universal` node type into `Type` - Renamed node types: - `Id` -> `IdSelector` - `Class` -> `ClassSelector` - `Type` -> `TypeSelector` - `Attribute` -> `AttributeSelector` - `PseudoClass` -> `PseudoClassSelector` - `PseudoElement` -> `PseudoElementSelector` - `Hash` -> `HexColor` - `Space` -> `WhiteSpace` - `An+B` -> `AnPlusB` - Removed `Progid` node type - Relaxed `MediaQuery` consumer to not validate syntax on parse and to include whitespaces in children sequence as is - Added `WhiteSpace.value` property to store whitespace sequence - Implemented parser options to specify what should be parsed in details (when option is `false` some part of CSS represents as balanced `Raw`): - `parseAtruleExpression` – to parse at-rule expressions (`true` by default) - `parseSelector` – to parse rule's selector (`true` by default) - `parseValue` - to parse declaration's value (`true` by default) - `parseCustomProperty` – to parse value and fallback of custom property (`false` by default) - Changed tokenization to stick leading hyphen minus to identifier token - Changed selector parsing: - Don't convert spaces into descendant combinator - Don't validate selector structure on parsing (selectors may be checked by lexer later) - Initial refactoring of [docs](https://github.com/csstree/csstree/blob/master/docs) - Various improvements and fixes ## 1.0.0-alpha14 (February 3, 2017) - Implemented `DeclarationList`, `MediaQueryList`, `MediaQuery`, `MediaFeature` and `Ratio` node types - Implemented `declarationList` context (useful to parse HTML `style` attribute content) - Implemented custom consumers for `@import`, `@media`, `@page` and `@supports` at-rules - Implemented `atrule` option for `parse()` config, is used for `atruleExpession` context to specify custom consumer for at-rule if any - Added `Scanner#skipWS()`, `Scanner#eatNonWS()`, `Scanner#consume()` and `Scanner#consumeNonWS()` helper methods - Added custom consumers for known functional-pseudos, consume unknown functional-pseudo content as balanced `Raw` - Allowed any `PseudoElement` to be a functional-pseudo (#33) - Improved walker implementations to reduce GC thrashing by reusing cursors - Changed `Atrule.block` to contain a `Block` node type only if any - Changed `Block.loc` positions to include curly brackets - Changed `Atrule.expression` to store a `null` if no expression - Changed parser to use `StyleSheet` node type only for top level node (when context is `stylesheet`, that's by default) - Changed `Parentheses`, `Brackets` and `Function` consumers to use passed sequence reader instead of its own - Changed `Value` and `AtruleExpression` consumers to use common sequence reader (that reader was used by `Value` consumer before) - Changed default sequence reader to exclude storage of spaces around `Comma` - Changed processing of custom properties: - Consume declaration value as balanced `Raw` - Consume `var()` fallback value as balanced `Raw` - Validate first argument of `var()` starts with double dash - Custom property's value and fallback includes spaces around - Fixed `Nth` to have a `loc` property - Fixed `SelectorList.loc` and `Selector.loc` positions to exclude spaces - Fixed issue Browserify build fail with `default-syntax.json` is not found error (#32, @philschatz) - Disallowed `Type` selector starting with dash (parser throws an error in this case now) - Disallowed empty selectors for `Rule` (not sure if it's correct but looks reasonable) - Removed `>>` combinator support until any browser support (no signals about that yet) - Removed `PseudoElement.legacy` property - Removed special case for `:before`, `:after`, `:first-letter` and `:first-line` to represent them as `PseudoElement`, now those pseudos are represented as `PseudoClass` nodes - Removed deprecated `Syntax#match()` method - Parser was splitted into modules and related changes, one step closer to an extensible parser - Various fixes and improvements, all changes have negligible impact on performance ## 1.0.0-alpha13 (January 19, 2017) - Changed location storing in `SyntaxMatchError` - Changed property to store mismatch offset to `mismatchOffset` - Changed `offset` property to store bad node offset in source CSS if any - Added `loc` property that stores bad node `loc` if any ## 1.0.0-alpha12 (January 19, 2017) - Fixed `Syntax#matchProperty()` method to always return a positive result for custom properties since syntax is never defined for them (#31) - Implemented `fromPlainObject()` and `toPlainObject()` to convert plain object to AST or AST to plain object (currently converts `List` <-> `Array`) ## 1.0.0-alpha11 (January 18, 2017) - Added support for `:matches()` (#28) - Added support for `:has()` - Added support for `::slotted()` - Implemented `Brackets` node type - Implemented basic support for at-rule inside rule block (#24) - Renamed `Selector` node type to `SelectorList` - Renamed `SimpleSelector` node type to `Selector` - Renamed `UnicodeRange.name` property to `UnicodeRange.value` - Replaced `Negation` node type for regular `PseudoClass` - Unified name of node property to store nested nodes, it always `children` now: - `StyleSheet.rules` -> `StyleSheet.children` - `SelectorList.selectors` -> `SelectorList.children` - `Block.declarations` -> `Block.children` - `*.sequence` -> `*.children` - Fixed edge cases in parsing `Hex` and `UnicodeRange` when number not an integer - Changed `nth-` pseudos parsing - Implemented `An+B` node type to represent expressions like `2n + 1` or `-3n` - Fixed edge cases when `a` or `b` is not an integer - Changed `odd` and `even` keywords processing, keywords are storing as `Identifier` node type now - Changed `Nth` node type format to store a `nth`-query and an optional `selector` - Implemented `of` clause for `nth-` pseudos (a.e. `:nth-child(2n + 1 of li, img)`) - Limited `Nth` parsing rules to `:nth-child()`, `:nth-last-child()`, `:nth-of-type()` and `:nth-last-of-type()` pseudos - Changed the way to store locations - Renamed `info` node property to `loc` - Changed format of `loc` to store `start` and `end` positions ## 1.0.0-alpha10 (January 11, 2017) - Reworked `Scanner` to be a single point to its functionality - Exposed `Scanner` class to be useful for external projects - Changed `walk()` function behaviour to traverse AST nodes in natural order - Implemented `walkUp()` function to traverse AST nodes from deepest to parent (behaves as `walk()` before) ## 1.0.0-alpha9 (December 21, 2016) - Fixed `` generic according to specs that allow a `` equals to zero to be used as valid value (#30) ## 1.0.0-alpha8 (November 11, 2016) - Fixed `Scanner#skip()` issue method when cursor is moving to the end of source - Simplified `Progid` node - Changed behaviour for bad selector processing, now parsing fails instead of selector ignoring - Fixed `` generic syntax - Added `q` unit for `` generic syntax - Refactored syntax parser (performance) - Reduced startup time by implementing lazy syntax parsing (default syntax doesn't parse on module load) - Updated syntax dictionaries and used [`mdn/data`](https://github.com/mdn/data) instead of `Template:CSSData` - Renamed `syntax.stringify()` method to `syntax.translate()` - Simplified generic syntax functions, those functions receive a single AST node for checking and should return `true` or `false` - Added exception for values that contains `var()`, those values are always valid for now - Added more tests and increase code coverage to `98.5%` ## 1.0.0-alpha7 (October 7, 2016) - Added support for explicit descendant combinator (`>>`) - Implemented `Type` and `Universal` type nodes - Improved `Number` parsing by including sign and exponent (#26) - Parse `before`, `after`, `first-letter` and `first-line` pseudos with single colon as `PseudoElement` - Changed `FunctionalPseudo` node type to `PseudoClass` - Fixed attribute selector name parsing (namespace edge cases) - Fixed location calculation for specified offset when `eof` is reached - Added more non-standard colors (#25) - Removed obsolete `Syntax#getAll()` method - Fixed various edge cases, code clean up and performance improvements ## 1.0.0-alpha6 (September 23, 2016) - More accurate positions for syntax mismatch errors - Added [`apple`](https://webkit.org/blog/3709/using-the-system-font-in-web-content/) specific font keywords (#20) - Changed `Property` node stucture from object to string - Renamed `Ruleset` node type to `Rule` - Removed `Argument` node type - Fixed `Dimension` and `Percentage` position computation - Fixed bad selector parsing (temporary solution) - Fixed location computation for CSS with very long lines that may lead to really long parsing with `positions:true` (even freeze) - Fixed `line` and `column` computation for `SyntaxMatch` error - Improved performance of parsing and translation. Now CSSTree is under 10ms in [PostCSS benchmark](https://github.com/postcss/benchmark).