# Parsing CSS into AST > NOTE: Currenly parser omits redundant separators, spaces and comments (except exclamation comments, i.e. `/*! comment */`) on AST build. ## parse(source[, options]) Parses CSS into AST. ```js // simple parsing with no options var ast = csstree.parse('.example { color: red }'); // parse with options var ast = csstree.parse('.foo.bar', { context: 'selector', positions: true }); ``` Options (optional): - [context](#context) - [atrule](#atrule) - [property](#property) - [positions](#positions) - [tolerant](#tolerant) - [onParseError](#onparseerror) - [filename](#filename) - [offset](#offset) - [line](#line) - [column](#column) - [parseAtrulePrelude](#parseatruleprelude) - [parseRulePrelude](#parseruleprelude) - [parseValue](#parsevalue) - [parseCustomProperty](#parsecustomproperty) ### context Type: `string` Default: `'stylesheet'` Defines what part of CSS is parsing. Contexts: - `stylesheet` (default) – regular stylesheet, should be suitable in most cases - `atrule` – at-rule (e.g. `@media screen, print { ... }`) - `atrulePrelude` – at-rule prelude (`screen, print` for example above) - `mediaQueryList` – used to parse comma separated media query list - `mediaQuery` – used to parse media query - `rule` – rule (e.g. `.foo, .bar:hover { color: red; border: 1px solid black; }`) - `selectorList` – selector group (`.foo, .bar:hover` for rule example) - `selector` – selector (`.foo` or `.bar:hover` for rule example) - `block` – block with curly braces (`{ color: red; border: 1px solid black; }` for rule example) - `declarationList` – block content w/o curly braces (`color: red; border: 1px solid black;` for rule example), useful for parsing HTML `style` attribute value - `declaration` – declaration (`color: red` or `border: 1px solid black` for rule example) - `value` – declaration value (`red` or `1px solid black` for rule example) ### atrule Type: `string` or `null` Default: `null` Using for `atrulePrelude` context to apply atrule specific parse rules. ### property Type: `string` or `null` Default: `null` Using for `value` context to apply property specific parse rules. ### positions Type: `boolean` Default: `false` Specify to store locations of node content in original source. Location is storing as `loc` field of nodes. `loc` property is always `null` when option is `false`. The structure of `loc`: ``` loc: { source: 'value of `filename` option or ``', start: { offset: , line: , column: }, end: { offset: , line: , column: } } ``` ### tolerant Type: `boolean` Default: `false` Enables tolerant mode, when parser does fail on invalid parts of input, but turns those parts into `Raw` nodes. `onParseError` option can be used to set a function to process errors. ### onParseError Type: `function` or `null` Default: `null` Function to process errors that occur on parsing. Make sense in tolerant mode only. ```js csstree.parse('example { foo; bar: 1! }', { tolerant: true, onParseError: function(error) { console.log(error.message); } }); // Colon is expected // Identifier is expected ``` ### filename Type: `string` Default: `''` Filename of source. This value adds to `loc` as `source` property when `positions` option is `true`. Using for source map generation. ### offset Type: `number` Default: `0` Start offset. Useful when parsing a fragment of CSS to store a correct positions for node's `loc` property. ### line Type: `number` Default: `1` Start line number. Useful when parsing fragment of CSS to store correct positions in node's `loc` property. ### column Type: `number` Default: `1` Start column number. Useful when parsing fragment of CSS to store correct positions in node's `loc` property. ### parseAtrulePrelude Type: `boolean` Default: `true` Defines to parse a at-rule prelude in details (represents as `AtruleExpresion`, `MediaQueryList` or `SelectorList` if any). Otherwise represents prelude as `Raw` node. ```js csstree.parse('@example 1 2;'); // { // "type": "Atrule", // "prelude": { // "type": "AtrulePrelude", // "children": [ // { "type": "Number", "value": "1" }, // { "type": "WhiteSpace", "value": " " }, // { "type": "Number", "value": "2" } // ] // }, // "block": null // } csstree.parse('@example 1 2;', { parseAtrulePrelude: false }); // { // "type": "Atrule", // "prelude": { // "type": "Raw", // "value": "1 2" // }, // "block": null // } ``` ### parseRulePrelude Type: `boolean` Default: `true` Defines to parse a rule prelude in details or left unparsed (represents as `Raw` node). ```js csstree.parse('.foo {}'); // { // "type": "Rule", // "selector": { // "type": "SelectorList", // "children": [ // { // "type": "Selector", // "children": [ // { "type": "ClassSelector", "name": "foo" } // ] // } // ] // }, // "block": { // "type": "Block", // "children": [] // } // } csstree.parse('.foo {}', { parseRulePrelude: false }); // { // "type": "Rule", // "selector": { // "type": "Raw", // "value": ".foo" // }, // "block": { // "type": "Block", // "children": [] // } // } ``` ### parseValue Type: `boolean` Default: `true` Defines to parse a declaration value in details (represents as `Value`). Otherwise represents value as `Raw` node. ```js csstree.parse('color: #aabbcc', { context: 'declaration' }); // { // "type": "Declaration", // "important": false, // "property": "color", // "value": { // "type": "Value", // "children": [ // { // "type": "HexColor", // "value": "aabbcc" // } // ] // } // } csstree.parse('color: #aabbcc', { context: 'declaration', parseValue: false }); // { // "type": "Declaration", // "important": false, // "property": "color", // "value": { // "type": "Raw", // "value": " #aabbcc" // } // } ``` ### parseCustomProperty Type: `boolean` Default: `false` Defines to parse a custom property value and a `var()` fallback in details (represents as `Value`). Otherwise represents value as `Raw` node. ```js csstree.parse('--custom: #aabbcc', { context: 'declaration' }); // { // "type": "Declaration", // "important": false, // "property": "--custom", // "value": { // "type": "Raw", // "value": " #aabbcc" // } // } csstree.parse('--custom: #aabbcc', { context: 'declaration', parseCustomProperty: true }); // { // "type": "Declaration", // "important": false, // "property": "--custom", // "value": { // "type": "Value", // "children": [ // { // "type": "HexColor", // "value": "aabbcc" // } // ] // } // } ```