url: https://github.com/AsgardCms/Platform versions: "3.5.2": changed: - Correctly returning the Query object from allWithBuilder method in base repository - Using font awesome cdn instead of local styles "3.5.1": changed: - Whitespace in `config/filesystems.php` causing issues on some configurations, hooray. "3.4.0": changed: - Define the warning callback on the SetAppKey - Cleaner BaseCacheDecorator class with a new remember function - Checking if the tags() method exists when flushing - Fixing bug where user profile tab was not showing "3.3.0": changed: - Updating vue-simple-mde to avoid 'marked' warning with vuejs 2.5 - Updating to element-ui 2.0 (npm update and npm run dev are required) "3.2.1": changed: - Updated to VueJS 2.5. Updated all components for 2.5 compatibility. "3.2.0": added: - New LoadingBackendTranslations hook to load translations to the frontend (vuejs) changed: - Use blade directive in Core module views - Renaming Indonesian locale key to `ind` from `id` in available-locales.php config file. "3.1.0": added: - Carbon format set globally in AppServiceProvider - Creating a string helpers mixing file - Add additional install script to prompt for APP_URL - New install script to un ignore the package-lock.json file from npm changed: - Registering the TranslationHelper mixin globally to access it from anywhere - CkEditor and SimpleMde hooks set a view variable containing their name - Refactoring the .env local file writer - Tell users about the -f force flag for the asgard installer - Update the message displayed while the admin user is created. - Fixed issue when hideDefaultLocaleInURL was set to true making VueJS routes not working - Removed default loading of unneeded assets - Getting pdo object, making sure the database connection is valid - Installation, set the application key ourself, based of laravel command - Installation, only display success message for app_url on --verbose flag - Updated config/breadcasting.php pusher config to match laravel upstream - Removing optional modules (blog, block, notification) from core module list "3.0.0": added: - Created a vue component for the delete buttons on index pages - Created a vue component for CkEditor - Created vue component to more easily translate laravel translations changed: - Replacing URL::route() by route() helper - Updated menu ordering in Content section. Leaving spots in between for custom modules. - Update menu ordering in Workshop section. Leaving spots in between for custom modules. - Handle unauthorized and unauthenticated responses on Axios - Authorization middleware now throws a 403 FORBIDDEN response instead of 401 to match HTTP spec. - AdminMiddleware can now handle ajax requests "2.6.1": changed: - Fixing installation having 2x port in .env "2.6.0": added: - Added an AsgardCms class containing the current cms version "2.5.2": changed: - Fixing CLI issue not having the translation repository bound "2.5.1": changed: - Add missing id attribute to editor's textarea "2.5.0": added: - Adding a EntityIsChanging interface to use on events which are triggered before a create / update action - Create an AbstractEntityHook containing base logic for entity hooks - Trigger the EditorIsRendering event on assets view composer and send editor variable to view - New configuration value wysiwyg-handler in config/asgard/core/core.php to change the editor in backend - New handler RenderMarkdown if you want to render markdown on a ContentIsRendering event - New @editor('fieldname', 'fieldlabel, 'content', 'locale') blade directive to include a textarea. The last locale parameter is optional and can be omitted for non translatable textarea. - New BuildingSidebar hook used to add sidebar elements (backend) this will replace the SidebarExtender classes - Creating helper trait CanGetSidebarClassForModule, to get the sidebar class for a module - Adding Docker support. Run `./dcp up` to get started. changed: - Adding more core modules (tag, translation and page). Preventing them to be disabled. - Splitting up the EditorIsRendering hook to its own view composer, avoiding binding the (expensive) AssetsViewComposer on every view & partial - Stop making DB queries on console mode "2.3.0": added: - New command php artisan asgard:download:module asgardcms/contact --migrations --seeds --assets - New command php artisan asgard:delete:module ModuleName --migrations "2.2.0": added: - Binding as a singleton in an asgard key if we're on the backend or not. Available as app('asgard.onBackend') "2.0.0": added: - Laravel 5.4 compatibility - CanPublishConfiguration helper trait - CanRequireAssets helper trait - added new auth->user() method to get the current user. - run the user module migrations on installation - user installer creates a first api token - Adding minimised sitename setting viewed via minimised sidebar - Added ability for modules to define a custom sidebar class for every module - Adding configuration to set a custom ckeditor config file changed: - Using new more flexible way of handle permissions via middleware - Public configuration files in a subfolder of config/ folder - auth->check now returns a boolean. - Don't load the application version on frontend theme (+ performance) - Rename MasterViewComposer to SiteNameViewComposer to match its intent - Loading the currently logged in user on every view - Form Macros - Use HtmlString to allow users to use normal Blade "echo" braces removed: - Removing laracasts/flash dependency - Removed depenency of unmaintained pingpong/modules in favor of nwidart/laravel-modules - Authentication contract has been moved to the User module - Setting contract has been moved to the Setting module - Removed sisyphus usage