url: https://github.com/AsgardCms/Platform versions: "3.5.1": changed: - Modify media controller to use Imagy non-statically "3.5.0": changed: - Let File implement the <code>Responsable</code> interface which allows it being returned from a controller directly. "3.4.0": changed: - Fixed vuejs compatibility "3.1.0": added: - Creating an UploadZone component - Creating the media list component for media modal - Creating a single media vue component - New media permissions for folders - Creating NewFolder component - Creating UploadButton component - Ability to arrange Media in folders - Ability to move files inside folders - Ability to move folders inside folders changed: - Allow pdfs to be uploaded by default too - Fixed SingleMedia component to correctly unset a selected media "3.0.0": added: - New <code>MaxFolderSizeRule</code> class, using new validator classes in laravel 5.5 changed: - Using return type hints in <code>MediaController</code> - Optional media fields are set to allow null - The media menu item weight has been changed to <code>20</code>. "2.5.0": added: - <code>FileWasCreated</code> event - <code>FileWasUpdated</code> event - <code>FileIsCreating</code> hookable event - <code>FileIsUpdating</code> hookable event - New Sidebar event handler class replacing the old <code>SidebarExtender</code> class changed: - Using the @push js stacks over the scripts section - Using the @push css stacks over the styles section "2.4.0": added: - new blade directive for thumbnails <code>@thumbnail('path', 'thumbnailName')</code> changed: - Ability to set the field name for media directives (single & multiple), as forth argument - Fixing URL generation in case of S3, remove first <code>/</code> "2.0.0": added: - Laravel 5.4 compatibility - New way to define thumbnails, no more via a config file but via a class. - Adding a new resize canvas image manipulation changed: - Using new more flexible way of handle permissions via middleware - Protecting api routes with api admin middleware - Allow usage of multiple media partials on create views - Cleaned up file partials, both create and edit views use the event system - Allow <code>Imagy->getThumbnail()</code> to get the File entity directly deleted: - Removing laracasts/flash dependency