url: https://github.com/AsgardCms/Platform versions: "@unreleased": changed: - Adding support for UTF-8 slug for non ASCII characters (Chinese etc.) "3.4.0": changed: - Fixed vuejs compatibility - Using new remember method in the CachePageDecorator class - Fixing bug where the current page was not cached as well on the server side pagination "3.2.0": added: - Adding the page status field changed: - Sending the page id from the route parameters to the single media component (makes loading single media faster) - Making the status column in page_translations table nullable (migrate with php artisan module:migrate page) "3.1.0": added: - New UI interaction on the page index to select pages and mark one or mutiple as on/offline - New view page button on edit page views changed: - Sending the full page entity to the PageWasUpdated event - Sending the full page enity to PageWasCreated event - Allow editor component to be dynamic again "3.0.3": changed: - Set the active tab to the currently active tab "3.0.2": changed: - Fixing create page key on page index "3.0.0": added: - Created a vue component for the page table index - Create a vue component for the page create and edit views changed: - The page menu item weight has been changed to 10. "2.5.1": changed: - Renamed hook ContentIsRendering to PageContentIsRendering making it more specific "2.5.0": added: - Trigger event before a page is created (PageIsCreating) allow data to be changed - Trigger event before a page is updated (PageIsUpdating) allow data to be changed changed: - Requiring the editor assets via hook - Making editor textarea dynamic - Using the new @editor blade directive for the body textarea field - Remove the ckeditor inclusion on create/edit view stubs - Using the @push js stacks over the scripts section - Using the @push css stacks over the styles section - Sidebar is now loaded via the BuildingSidebar hook "2.2.0": added: - Testing event trigger on page deletion - Testing that the page events are triggered removed: - Removing the page counter as it doesn't serve any purpose besides costing a query "2.0.0": added: - Laravel 5.4 compatibility - Tags, pages can now own tags. changed: - Using new more flexible way of handle permissions via middleware removed: - Removing laracasts/flash dependency