url: https://github.com/AsgardCms/Platform versions: "3.4.0": changed: - Fix settings with falsey values not getting returned - Using new remember method in the CacheSettingDecorator class "3.1.0": changed: - Checking for null value instead of empty for non translatable settings - Escaping the output of the @setting blade directive "3.0.3": changed: - Make setting value nullable "3.0.0": changed: - Fixing active class on settings module list sidebar - The setting menu item weight has been changed to 20. "2.5.0": changed: - Normalise the setting was created event - Normalise the setting was updated event - Trigger SettingIsCreating hook - Trigger SettingIsUpdating hook - New Sidebar event handler class replacing the old SidebarExtender class changed: - Using the @push js stacks over the scripts section - Using the @push css stacks over the styles section "2.0.0": added: - Laravel 5.2 compatibility - Add ability to set a plain setting value via Modules\Setting\Support\Settings - new @setting() blade directive changed: - Using new more flexible way of handle permissions via middleware removed: - Removing laracasts/flash dependency - Setting contract has been moved to the Setting module