url: https://github.com/AsgardCms/Platform versions: "3.5.1": changed: - Fix issue 467 id() method checks null instead of false "3.4.0": changed: - Using new remember method in the CacheUserTokenDecorator class "3.2.0": added: - Role views (index, create, edit) have been converted to VueJS components, as a SPA - User views (index, create, edit) have been converted to VueJS components, as a SPA - Adding vuejs component to manage account profile - Adding vuejs component to manage account api keys "3.1.1": added: - Adding new asgard:user:grant-permissions command to grant all module permissions to admin role - Adding new asgard:user:remove-permissions command to remove all permissions of given module from roles and users "3.1.0": added: - Seeding new media.folders permissions on install changed: - Making sure the role slug is unique - Fixed Users Full Name Stored XSS Vulnerability - Explicitly used https to request the users Gravatar icon "3.0.0": added: - logUserIn on the Authentication interface to log a user object in changed: - AuthorisedApiToken middleware now logs a user in - The user menu item weight has been changed to 10. "2.6.0": added: - New methods on the Sentinel Guard, logout and loginUsingId "2.5.0": added: - Trigger an event (UserIsUpdating) before a user is updated - Trigger an event (RoleIsCreating) before a role is created - Trigger an event (RoleIsUpdating) before a role is updated - Adding a sentinel guard allowing usage of the Auth:: facade and native auth related methods changed: - Using the @push js stacks over the scripts section - Using the @push css stacks over the styles section - Sidebar is now loaded via the BuildingSidebar hook "2.4.0": added: - Trigger an event (UserIsCreating) before a user is created, allowing customising its data via listeners changed: - Testing password hashing - Moved the CanFindUserWithBearerToken to the Trait namespace "2.3.0": changed: - Avoid hashing passwords 2 times with using createWithRoles method, which calls the create() method. "2.2.0": added: - Create a helper trait to find a user by the given Bearer token CanFindUserWithBearerToken changed: - Loging in the user found via the bearer token. Failsafe if the user isn't set on a revision to use empty string. "2.1.0": added: - Testing the UserRepository - Testing the RoleRepository "2.0.0": added: - Laravel 5.4 compatibility - Added api keys management per user. With API middleware to protect internal APIs and public APIs. - Authentication contract has been moved to the User module (from Core Module) - Adding hasAccess method on UserInterface to check for given permission(s) - Adding a token can middleware to validate API routes for permissions - Completely revamped user / role permission UI to allow easy inheritance from role - Permissions have a nice label displayed removed: - Removing Sentry and Usher user providers - Removing laracasts/flash dependency changed: - Using new more flexible way of handle permissions via middleware - Refactor and restructure the permissions to allow inheritance via GUI - Rename the users.php file to config.php - Use Mailable classes from laravel 5.3 "1.18.0": changed: - User reset process is now handled by a service class - Using the $router variable over the route helpers "1.17.0": added: - Adding ability to send a reset password email to user "1.16.1": added: - Adding method to create a role without triggering the event "1.16.0": changed: - Fire event on manual user creation "1.15.1": changed: - Config vars ineffective when instantiating with attributes "1.15.0": added: - Adding config option to disable the user registration routes changed: - Adding autofocus on the first fields of authentication views "1.14.0": changed: - Removed language files, they are now in the translation module added: - Adding a wysiwyg settings field. "1.13.1": changed: - Fixed yaml structure "1.13.0": changed: - Seeding the Translation module permissions on init "1.12.0": changed: - New and updated authentication views. Important If you published the auth views, they need to be re-published "1.11.0": changed: - Manual inclusing of iCheck css file has been removed - Use the new datatables way of marking column not sortable "1.10.1": changed: - Adding the permissions for the Themes part of the workshop Module on initial seed "1.10.0": changed: - The PermissionManager class has been moved to the User Module - Fixing issue with basic permissions "1.9.0": changed: - Fixing user manual activation via backend - Removing deprecated code usage - Minor consistency changes "1.8.0": added: - Added Russian translations changed: - Improving german translations "1.7.0": added: - Chinese Simplified language - Added a UserHasActivatedAccount event "1.6.0": added: - Dutch and Portuguese language "1.5.0": added: - Spanish translations "1.4.0": changed: - Default fallback user provider set to Sentinel "1.3.1": changed: - Fixing user update for sentinel "1.3.0": changed: - Use helper functions in controllers - Use manual route definition over the route resource shortcut "1.2.0": added: - Set the user fillable fields dynamically from the user configuration file "1.1.0": added: - Adding the loginNames property on the Sentinel User entity - Adding configuration to setup which login column names to use changed: - Cleaning up composers.php file "1.0.11": added: - Added a UserWasUpdated event - Added a RoleWasUpdated event - Flushing sidebar cache when user or role was updated "1.0.10": changed: - Fixing datatable "1.0.9": changed: - Changing index views ordering of columns "1.0.8": changed: - Sentinel - checking if user is logged in before checking for permissions "1.0.7": changed: - Remove the Authentication contract injection from the AuthController "1.0.6": changed: - Make the UsernameViewComposer independent "1.0.5": changed: - Fix the hasAccess method on the sentry implementation "1.0.4": added: - Using new sidebar extender class removed: - Old SidebarViewComposer "1.0.3": added: - Implementing the new id method on Sentry and Sentinel Authentication implementations "1.0.2": changed: - Adding changelog file "1.0.1": changed: - Using tagged versions of modules "1.0.0": changed: - Initial release